Nocturnal Enuresis or Incontinence is due to either excess heat or deficiency whether in children or in adults If excess heat: Excess: Dx: Right Chi will be strongly pounding, either deep or higher, hands are warm Rx: Ba Zheng San…...
Prostate Enlargement and Bladder Flaccidity As the prostate enlarges, the ureter gets squished and the bladder retains a larger amount of urine Shrink the prostate: Prostate pills by Golden Flower (PSA elevation can be brought down) Bladder problems can be…...
Herbs & Notes DNA & MPD: Interstitial Cystitis Right chi: Deep and pounding (strong) Deep and weak DNA Tx: Target area: Ren 6 (Bladder) Treatment area: ST 41 half way up the leg; LI 2,3,4,5 half way up the arm;…...
Right Chi: Deep and pounding UTI: Ba Zheng San 80% (with Da Huang), Herbal ABX or Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin 20% Strong and pounding pulses – Excess Fire/Heat Conditions (Systemic inflammation): use Ba Zheng San 20% Right chi weak…...