COPD is an umbrella term that refers to chronic bronchitis or emphysema. It requires a diagnosis. Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the lung tissue. The bronchial tubes become inflamed and narrowed. The tubes thicken making less room for air…...
Male 48, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches CC: chronic asthma, chronic sinus issues, cough, wheezing, sob, hypertension, overweight, irritable, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, hot at night, low back pain, various joint pains, fatigue. Family history of CAD. Hands are hot…....
Case Study: Blood Stasis F: 57, overweight by 50 pounds Patient complains of fatigue, sob, insomnia, frustration, depression, urinary urgency, muscle pains, diabetes II, anxiety, sinus congestion-snoring, constipation, hypertension Pulses: Right Cun: Deep, Blocked Right Yangwei: Deep, Blocked Right Guan:…...
PULSE: Right Cun is superficial, wiry, very thin, stiff, with a jump. Right Yang Wei is normal. Nose and cheeks are cold to touch. SX: Common cold, runny nose, cold hands DX: Wind Cold Excess Herbs: Ge gen tang –…...
The most important pulse to determine Lung issues is the Right Yang Wei Pulse. There are several different presentations that occur in a clinical setting. They are: Right Yang Wei is convex, strong overall, strongest at superficial level – Lung…...
Wind Cold Deficiency – Right Cun is very thin, wiry, superficial, weak Gui zhi, Bai shao – treats Wind Cold and Qi Deficiency simultaneously, body pains and spontaneous sweating that does not relieve the cold symptoms or expel the Wind…...
The following is a list of single herbs I add to a formula to stop coughing and wheezing: For thick phlegm with Heat or Dry signs – Rt Yang Wei is strong either superficial or deep Gua luo ren Chuan…...
PF is a fatal disease. Typical life span once diagnosed is 3 to 5 years. There is no known cure and the origin of the disease is unknown as well. The description of the disease is scar tissue filling…...
Affected Anatomical Regions: AL, L Affected Jing Jin: ST, LI, GB Treatment Jing Jin: ST, LI, GB, SJ, LV, LU, SP, HT, K, P Where to treat: Images: JT 2, AZ 1, 3 First needles: JT 2 on LI, ST,…...