Shortened menstrual cycle 2 etiologies Excess: Heat in Blood and/or Blood Stagnation Deficiency: Deficiency of Qi Elongated menstrual cycle 2 etiologies Excess: Qi Stagnation, Excess Cold, or Blood Stagnation Deficiency: Blood Deficiency Irregular menses 1 etiology Excess: Liver Qi stagnation…...
Menstrual disorders range from shortened menstrual cycles to prolonged cycles to just irregular cycles. DNA treatment is as follows: What muscles, Jing Jin and Anatomical Regions to target? Pubococygeus, Iliococcygeus, Levator ani muscles These muscles are of the pelvic floor…...
TWO MAIN ETIOLOGIES: EXCESS AND DEFICIENCY EXCESS: EXCESS HEAT PULSE: Right Chi is convex and pounding. Can be short indicating more Stagnation and Heat or wider indicating just heat and inflammation. Herbs for just a Heat condition Zhen ren huo…...
How to diagnose pain based on anatomical motion If the shoulder or arm hurts raising the arm forward and medial the problem is associated with Anterior Medial (Hand Tai Yin Jing Jin / LU). If the shoulder or arm…...
Two main etiologies: Excess and Deficiency Excess: Damp Heat bearing downward – acute cystitis Pulse: Right Chi is thick and pounding. Could be at any depth Right Cun could be Convex and pounding indicating some kind of infection in…...
Where is the pain? Lower abdomen: Anterior Lateral, Lateral Lateral, Medial Medial Jing Jin: Foot Yang Ming (ST), Foot Shao Yang (GB), Foot Jue Yin (LV) Where to needle? First sequence: Ankles and wrists: ST/LI GB/SJ SP//P…...
Two main etiologies: Excess and Deficiency Excess: Phlegm harassing the head Pulse: The Right Cun is Blocked and Soggy Herbs: Ban xia 20 Bai Zhu 20 Tian ma 20 Fu ling 20 Ze xie 20 Jiang can 10 Phlegm harassing…...
Where is the problem: Anatomical Region, Muscles, Jing JIn Anatomical Region: Anterior Lateral (AL), Lateral Lateral (LL) Muscles: All the muscle groups of abdomen and frontal head area JIng JIn: Foot and Hand Shao Yang (LI and ST), Foot Shao…...
Excess: Stagnation of Qi and Blood MPD analysis: Left Chi Pulse is Blocked (Stage1,2,3) Basic Herbal Formulation: Ge xie zhu yu tang 50 Shao fu zhu yu tang 50 Herbal Additions: If a lot of pain add: Ru xiang 10…...