Prostate diseases: The most common prostate diseases you will treat with acupuncture are Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer. The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that makes the fluid in semen and is positioned where the bladder and urethra meet…....
Every Chinese Medical clinic at some point is faced with trying to help a cancer patient. Usually our help is an adjunct therapy to either chemotherapy or radiation. Occasionally a patient will show up with a case of terminal cancer…...
Chemotherapy and radiation cause weakness and heat in the body. We use Ban Zhi Lian and Bai Hua She She Cao both up to 20g, because they are anti-carcinogenic and cooling. To address the weakness I usually use Shi Quan…...
Short pulses (compressed pulses) will present in the pulse positions indicating growths/masses (cysts/tumors), usually left guan, left chi or left proximal pulses Herbal strategy cysts: If theses pulses are extremely short/ tightly compressed, then use Cold-breakers (40): Wang Bu Lu…...
Continuous Care Case Study – Hepatic Px & Anxiety Px Herbs & Notes: Hepatic Cancer Patient First visit Dx Left guan: superficial, forceful Rx Ban Zhi Lian 15 Ban Hua She She Cao 15 Huang Shui Qie 15 Xia Ku…...
Special: Continuous Care Case Study – Hepatitis C Herbs & Notes: Initial Visit Sx Hep C positive Elevated liver panel grumpy Dx Left guan: convex, superficial Rx Huang Shui Qie 15 Hu Zhang 15 Xia Ku Cao 15 Cha Chi…...