Chronic or Acute wrist pain falls into 2 categories. Both are Excess. One is Excess Cold with or without Blood Stasis, and the other is Excess Heat with or without Blood Stasis. Excess Cold: MPD: Right Proximal pulse is…...
Muscles and Tendons, Jing Jin, and Anatomical Regions Muscles,Tendons, and Nerves: Generally pain can come from either the medial side of the wrist or the lateral side. Have the patient show you where the pain is – either medial or…...
TWO MAIN ETIOLOGIES: EXCESS AND DEFICIENCY EXCESS: EXCESS HEAT PULSE: Right Chi is convex and pounding. Can be short indicating more Stagnation and Heat or wider indicating just heat and inflammation. Herbs for just a Heat condition Zhen ren huo…...
How to diagnose pain based on anatomical motion If the shoulder or arm hurts raising the arm forward and medial the problem is associated with Anterior Medial (Hand Tai Yin Jing Jin / LU). If the shoulder or arm…...
Where is the problem: Anatomical Region, Muscles, Jing JIn Anatomical Region: Anterior Lateral (AL), Lateral Lateral (LL) Muscles: All the muscle groups of abdomen and frontal head area JIng JIn: Foot and Hand Shao Yang (LI and ST), Foot Shao…...
Kidney Yang Deficiency Pulse: Left Chi is very thin (Kleenex Pulse), deep, weak. Other pulses are similar with cold hands and an aversion to cold. Lower back is cold or cool to the touch. Herbs: Sheng Di Huang 15 Shu…...
The first question to ask is where is the problem? (JingJIn, Muscles and Anatomical Region) The JingJin involved with lower back pain are: Foot Shao Yin (K), Foot Tai Yang (UB), and possibly Foot Shao Yang (GB). The lower back…...
Question: The question often arises should I needle contralateral or ipsilateral with certain needling sequences? Answer: For best results we recommend bilateral needling. However, it might be interesting to explore the topic and see if we can use less needles…...
Where is the pain? Galea Aponneurotica and the SCM muscle (referred) What are the TCM Anatomical Regions and their representative Jing JIn(S)? Foot and Hand Medial Medial (Jue Yin Jing JIn) and Foot and Hand Posterior Medial (Tai Yang Jing…...