IT Band Syndrome A painful condition in which connective tissue rubs against the thigh bone. Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when the connective tissue (ligament) extending from the pelvic bone to the shinbone becomes so tight that it rubs against…...
Bell’s Palsy is caused by damage to a single nerve. It is a temporary muscle weakness or paralysis (palsy) in the face. This makes parts of the face droop. It affects one side of the face most often, but it…...
Pulse: Right Chi Thin, wiry, firm, superficial – can extend to peripheral pulse with the same qualities. DX: Wind, Cold attacking the neck Ge gen tang 20 Chuan xiong cha tiao san 20 Flex spur or Zhen ren huo ming…...
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints that a Chinese medical practitioner will treat. The problem, if benign, is due to poor posture causing muscle tightness and spasms, inability to move the head and headaches. If the…...
HOW TO TREAT PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WITH DNA PN is defined as weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet. Western medicine considers the causes to be diabetes, injuries, infections, and exposure to toxins. In…...
Osteoporosis is a well documented disease which can result in chronic bone loss. The disease often develops without any symptoms or pain, and it is usually not discovered until the weakened bones cause painful fractures. Most of these are fractures…...
Note: This outline is updated with the latest herbs that Bob uses for both the Cold and Warm conditions of lower arm pain and chronic pain in general. Since the video was made the herbs given in the video have…...
DNA for Lower Arm Pain Muscles and Jing jin of the lower arm: All the different muscle, tendon and fascia groups of the lower arms fall into one of the Chinese Anatomical Regions. They are either Posterior Lateral – Tai…...
There are 3 main etiologies for upper back pain. Hot Bi pain: Pulse: Right Chi and Proximal pulses are strong. Can be at any depth but usually superficial to middle. Pulse feels like a strong rope and hands are…...