Physiology: The symptoms of BPH are: dribbling after urination, excessive urination at night, frequent urination, sense of incomplete bladder emptying, urge to urinate and leaking, or weak urinary stream. Causes of BPH are not exactly known. A man’s prostate goes…...
Inflammatory pain is best diagnosed with the Left Yang Wei pulse. If the pulse is convex and pounding or strong and the patient’s hands are warm or hot then the diagnosis of Hot Bi Pain is justified. If this particular…...
Osteoporosis is a well documented disease which can result in chronic bone loss. The disease often develops without any symptoms or pain, and it is usually not discovered until the weakened bones cause painful fractures. Most of these are fractures…...
Note: This outline is updated with the latest herbs that Bob uses for both the Cold and Warm conditions of lower arm pain and chronic pain in general. Since the video was made the herbs given in the video have…...
There are 3 main etiologies for upper back pain. Hot Bi pain: Pulse: Right Chi and Proximal pulses are strong. Can be at any depth but usually superficial to middle. Pulse feels like a strong rope and hands are…...
Hip pain can originate from several sources as outlined in DNA FOR HIP PAIN, however, the main etiologies fall into 2 general categories: Blood Stasis with Heat or Blood Stasis with Cold. Blood Stasis with Heat Pulse: Left Chi is…...
Ankle pain in a clinical setting has its basis in tissue damage and Blood Stasis. Treatment with herbs is always directed at increasing Blood flow, reducing Heat and Fire or Inflammation and or reducing Cold Stasis. Cold and Blood Stasis:…...
Chronic or Acute wrist pain falls into 2 categories. Both are Excess. One is Excess Cold with or without Blood Stasis, and the other is Excess Heat with or without Blood Stasis. Excess Cold: MPD: Right Proximal pulse is…...
Shortened menstrual cycle 2 etiologies Excess: Heat in Blood and/or Blood Stagnation Deficiency: Deficiency of Qi Elongated menstrual cycle 2 etiologies Excess: Qi Stagnation, Excess Cold, or Blood Stagnation Deficiency: Blood Deficiency Irregular menses 1 etiology Excess: Liver Qi stagnation…...