Major problems are the predominant patterns that the patient has. Minor problems are secondary to the larger pattern. How do you tell the difference? By the pulse depth. For example, a low and pounding pulse: Major: Damp Minor: Heat Why? If…...
There are 3 typical right cun pulses Too high and pounding Too high and wiry Too deep and blocked Too high and pounding Heat/Fire Treatment: Put out the fire/ clear heat Herbs AST – 20 Herbal ABX – 15 Huang…...
A tibial ulcer occurs due to bad blood flow in the patient’s leg, combined with an injury that cannot heal Many times they can be so deep that you see bone. The patient may have specialized pumps or wound management…...
5 patterns of psoriasis pulses 3 high pulses, 2 low pulses High pulses High, wiry, strong right cun Wind-heat toxins causing psoriasis with itching Herbs Sheng Di Huang – 30 Mu Dan Pi -10 Fang Feng – 10 Tu Fu…...
Eczema Two types of pulses Too high on both sides Too much heat Too low on both sides Damp heat with blood stasis Pulse too high Xiao Feng San – 30 Sheng Di Huang – 30 Magic herb for blood…...
Medical Pulse Diagnosis Book is now available on Amazon! Migraines In Chinese medicine Most Chinese medical texts focus on liver based pathologies The ancient Chinese most likely were getting headaches due to high blood pressure related to liver fire/yang rising…...
The logic of the 3 stages won’t fail you! Use the 3 stages to diagnose the pulse You must always go through these 3 simple questions in order to determine what is happening with the pulse Step 1: Is the…...
What is the difference between Arteriolosclerosis and Atherosclerosis? Arteriolosclerosis Outer Vessel wall becomes stiff and hard from calcification. This prevents the vessel from expanding when blood goes through leading to increased blood pressure. Pulse will feel hard, stiff and inflexible…....
We make mistakes like anyone else Most important thing is to find the mistake and fix it! Case Study: Craig Chief complaints: Seasonal allergies, sinusitis, grumpiness, insomnia, type 2 diabetes, and being overweight. First appointment patient was catching a cold…...