HOW TO USE ASTRINGENTS In general, astringents are anti-inflammatories and they can stop loose stools, heal skin problems, stop sweating, stop urinary incontinence, stop coughing. They shrink swollen tissue. They are sour or astringent in taste. They are used for…...
Wind Cold Deficiency – Right Cun is very thin, wiry, superficial, weak Gui zhi, Bai shao – treats Wind Cold and Qi Deficiency simultaneously, body pains and spontaneous sweating that does not relieve the cold symptoms or expel the Wind…...
QI Deficiency – Pulses are thin, weak, kleenex-like (this is Qi Deficiency combined with Blood Deficiency). In pure Qi Deficiency the pulse is wide and empty and weak – like pushing on a scallion stalk. The depth is usually lower…...
Herbs that regulate stomach Qi – Right Guan is too stiff or hard, wiry, and either too low or too high – symptoms are stomach pain and possibly bloating Mu xiang, Chen pi, Hou po, Sha ren, Zhi shi, Zhi…...
The following is a list of single herbs I add to a formula to stop coughing and wheezing: For thick phlegm with Heat or Dry signs – Rt Yang Wei is strong either superficial or deep Gua luo ren Chuan…...
PF is a fatal disease. Typical life span once diagnosed is 3 to 5 years. There is no known cure and the origin of the disease is unknown as well. The description of the disease is scar tissue filling…...
Hypertension: Ju hua,, Xia ku cao, Hu zhong, Cha chi huang, Ma dou ling, Tu fu ling. Cancer: General: Ban zhi lian, Bai hua she she cao, E zhu, Zhe bei mu. Throat: Wei ling xian, Shan dou gen. Lung:…...
Pulses: Left Chi is Blocked – Blood Stasis Herbs: Resolve EM 40 Astringents 40 Ba zheng san 40 Ge xie zhu yu tang 40 Tao ren 10 Hong hua 10 E zhu 10 Pulses: Left Chi is convex or wiry,…...
Generalized atherosclerosis: blocked coronary arteries Pulse: Left Cun is blocked – either Blocked 1,2 or 3. Other pulses are deep and difficult to feel – systemic blood flow problems With strength: Fabulous 4 40 3 Bugs 30 2 Bugs 20…...