Case Study: Blood Stasis F: 57, overweight by 50 pounds Patient complains of fatigue, sob, insomnia, frustration, depression, urinary urgency, muscle pains, diabetes II, anxiety, sinus congestion-snoring, constipation, hypertension Pulses: Right Cun: Deep, Blocked Right Yangwei: Deep, Blocked Right Guan:…...
Male: 46, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches. CC: Fatigue, history of sinus infections, enlarged prostate, gastritis, reflux, irritable, chest tightness, low libido, lower back pain, High blood pressure, urinary frequency, hands are hot, face is red. Pulses: RT Cun:…...
Male age 64. History of anger, alcoholism, inflammatory arthritis, shingles, gout, insomnia, gas and bloating, sinus infections, enlarged prostate, frequent urination, dry chronic cough. Hands are hot. He wants to be healthy, Overweight by 50 pounds. Red face. Strong…...
The purpose of this video is to increase the sophistication of treating constipation. In the past we simply added Da huang, Mang xiao, or Tao Ren or Ma zi ren wan or Run chun wan to our overall formula. However,…...
PULSE: Left Guan is superficial, convex or wiry and strong Dx: Liver/GB Fire/Heat Sx: Fatty Liver, Inflamed GB Ts: Clear Excess Heat in Liver/Gallbladder Herbs: Long dan cao Yin chen hao Huang lian Zhi zi Hu zhang Huang qin Da…...
Left Guan is superficial, convex or wiry and too strong. or the Left Guan is too deep and too strong, either wiry or convex Dx: Liver Fire or Liver Heat or Liver Damp Heat Sx: Anger, headaches, agitation, insomnia, red…...
Herbs that regulate stomach Qi – Right Guan is too stiff or hard, wiry, and either too low or too high – symptoms are stomach pain and possibly bloating Mu xiang, Chen pi, Hou po, Sha ren, Zhi shi, Zhi…...
Hypertension: Ju hua,, Xia ku cao, Hu zhong, Cha chi huang, Ma dou ling, Tu fu ling. Cancer: General: Ban zhi lian, Bai hua she she cao, E zhu, Zhe bei mu. Throat: Wei ling xian, Shan dou gen. Lung:…...
Patients can present with Qi and Yang Deficiency. The pulse is a Kleenex pulse everywhere and the hands are cold. Herbs to treat are very straightforward. The patient’s symptoms are fatigue, cold, often anxiety or fear, lack of stamina,…...