F: 62 CC’s: Anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, constipation, lower back pain, history of UTI’s, sinus allergies, stomach pain, night sweats, exceptionally dry Pulses: Rt Cun: mid depth, wiry, slightly firm Rt Yangwei: normal Rt Guan: superficial, wiry Rt Chi…...
Case Study: Blood Stasis F: 57, overweight by 50 pounds Patient complains of fatigue, sob, insomnia, frustration, depression, urinary urgency, muscle pains, diabetes II, anxiety, sinus congestion-snoring, constipation, hypertension Pulses: Right Cun: Deep, Blocked Right Yangwei: Deep, Blocked Right Guan:…...
PULSE: Left Chi is Blocked DX: Blood stasis Sx: Abdominal pain either before or during a period Herbs: Ge xie zhu yu tang 50 3 Breakers: San leng 7, E zhu 7, Wang bu liu xing 7 Pu huang 10…...
Patients can present with Qi and Yang Deficiency. The pulse is a Kleenex pulse everywhere and the hands are cold. Herbs to treat are very straightforward. The patient’s symptoms are fatigue, cold, often anxiety or fear, lack of stamina,…...
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WESTERN MEDICINE Tibial ulcers first appear in a pre-ulcer state. The signs and symptoms are: a dull ache, tenderness or pain in the legs, swelling, eczema of the surrounding skin, varicose veins, and hyperpigmentation. There can also be darkened or…...
Pulses Left Chi pulse too high and thin Indicates kidney yin deficiency Left Chi deep and thin, and the patient has cold hands Kidney yang deficiency Left Guan too high and thin Liver yin deficiency Clinically kidney yin deficiency requires…...
Signs of yang deficiency If hands are cold and left chi pulse is thin (especially if the pulse is low) Long term use of steroids or other pharmaceuticals Formulas to use You Gui Wan Huan Shao Dan Tonify Yang Formula…...
Patients aged 50 and older often have kidney issues After other issues are resolved, focus on treating the kidney Corticosteroids, prednisone, and methotrexate can cause yang deficiency Autoimmune patients are often given these medications Low, Weak, Thin Pulse Yang Deficiency…...