Male age 64. History of anger, alcoholism, inflammatory arthritis, shingles, gout, insomnia, gas and bloating, sinus infections, enlarged prostate, frequent urination, dry chronic cough. Hands are hot. He wants to be healthy, Overweight by 50 pounds. Red face. Strong…...
Herbs for Yin Deficiency and Fight or Flight Pulse Mai wei di huang wan 20 Gan mai da zao tang 20 Qing zao jiu fei tang 20 Shao yao gan cao tang 20 (only give if…...
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Pulses Left Chi pulse too high and thin Indicates kidney yin deficiency Left Chi deep and thin, and the patient has cold hands Kidney yang deficiency Left Guan too high and thin Liver yin deficiency Clinically kidney yin deficiency requires…...
When to use different acupuncture modalities: Yamamoto versus DNA DNA: Works well for any kind of pain both structural and neuropathic. Yamamoto: Works well for neuropathic pain and mild muscle pains and joint pains. Case study examples that worked well…...
1st formula for cold hands Bai Wei Di Huang Wan Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 2nd formula After hands became warm: Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan Sheng Mai San Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan 3rd formula for yin deficiency, liver…...
Bob explains the case history and detailed treatment of a patient with Heart, Liver and Stomach problems…. Membership Required You must be a member to access this content.View Membership LevelsAlready a member? Log in here...