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Herbs & Notes MPD: The treatment of insomnia with Chinese herbs 90% of the time: blocked blood flow thru the heart – scattered left cun: unblock heart! Rx: Dan Shen 20 Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang 20 Xue…...
Herbs and Notes: MPD: Mitral Valve Prolapse Pulse Presentations Jimmy Cheng approach: Left cun: scattered – inefficient blood flow thru the heart (most likely also associated with a valve leakage) John Shen approach: Left cun a pulse pronounced palpable right…...
Scattered pulse: (also called dispersed pulse; dead fish pulse= most severe degree) – indicates coronary artery disease: Strategy: move blood through the heart (vaso-dialate, thin the blood) Herbs: Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang or Stress 1 25 Gua Lou Xie…...
Enlarged Heart Pulse: clearly defined pulse in left cun, yet as one pushes down on a physiological left cun pulse and moves the finger back up, the pulse fills up one’s finger pad somewhat strongly indicates enlarged heart/ cardiomyopathy Aortic…...
Scattered/ Dead Fish Pulse (the dead fish is the highest level of scatteredness/ a completely scattered pulse): indicated Inefficient blood flow through the heart, under absence of large vessel pulse, mitral valve pulse, coronary constriction pulse (constricted pulse/ pulse within…...
The more the degree of scattereness, the higher the degree of blockage (usually the term “dead fish pulse” refers to the most severe type of scattered pulse, where there is no/ almost no pulse palpable Dan Shen, Gua Lou Xie…...
Scattered left cun: First visit: Mao Dong Qing 20%, Circulation SJ 20%, Dan Shen 30%, Guo Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang 30% Next visit: Added He Huan Pi 10% (because anxiety was predominant) Next visit: Added San Qi 10%,…...
Weak heart: Gui Pi Tang 50% and Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 50%. If agitated: Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang or Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang. If anxious: He Huang Pi, Bai Zi Ren, Suan Zao Ren,…...