FEMALE: age 53, low blood pressure, thin, frail in appearance CC: insomnia, anxiety, chest tightness, fatigue, palpitations, history of miscarriages, thinning hair, cold hands, dizzy, foggy brain, cries easily, history of anemia, airborne allergies, history of mono, no libido Pulses: …...
Case Study: Blood Stasis F: 57, overweight by 50 pounds Patient complains of fatigue, sob, insomnia, frustration, depression, urinary urgency, muscle pains, diabetes II, anxiety, sinus congestion-snoring, constipation, hypertension Pulses: Right Cun: Deep, Blocked Right Yangwei: Deep, Blocked Right Guan:…...
Male: 46, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches. CC: Fatigue, history of sinus infections, enlarged prostate, gastritis, reflux, irritable, chest tightness, low libido, lower back pain, High blood pressure, urinary frequency, hands are hot, face is red. Pulses: RT Cun:…...
Female, age 53, complains of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia and low and upper back pain – chronic. Main problem is fatigue, insomnia and emotional issues. Pain is secondary. Patient is slightly overweight. History of anti-anxiety drugs. Seasonal allergies. Hands and…...
Male age 64. History of anger, alcoholism, inflammatory arthritis, shingles, gout, insomnia, gas and bloating, sinus infections, enlarged prostate, frequent urination, dry chronic cough. Hands are hot. He wants to be healthy, Overweight by 50 pounds. Red face. Strong…...
Main principles: Blood movers can be used when the pulse is too deep, or deep and Blocked Long term use of Blood movers can weaken Qi and Blood so tonics need to be added where the pulse indicates not just…...
Left Cun wide, weak – scallion or onion stalk pulse. Hands cool. Palpitations. Shortness of Breath Diagnosis: Heart Qi Deficiency Herbs: Ren shen, Dang shen, Huang qi, Zhi gan cao Zhi gan cao tang Lert Cun is very thin, very…...
Anxiety in TCM is associated with additional symptoms of palpitations, insomnia, depressive disorders. The major organ involved is almost always the Heart with the Liver as a secondary actor. Excess Patterns: Heart and Liver Fire or Heat Left Cun and…...
Hypertension: Ju hua,, Xia ku cao, Hu zhong, Cha chi huang, Ma dou ling, Tu fu ling. Cancer: General: Ban zhi lian, Bai hua she she cao, E zhu, Zhe bei mu. Throat: Wei ling xian, Shan dou gen. Lung:…...