Male 48, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches CC: chronic asthma, chronic sinus issues, cough, wheezing, sob, hypertension, overweight, irritable, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, hot at night, low back pain, various joint pains, fatigue. Family history of CAD. Hands are hot…....
PULSE: Right Cun is superficial, wiry, very thin, stiff, with a jump. Right Yang Wei is normal. Nose and cheeks are cold to touch. SX: Common cold, runny nose, cold hands DX: Wind Cold Excess Herbs: Ge gen tang –…...
Affected Anatomical Regions: AL, L Affected Jing Jin: ST, LI, GB Treatment Jing Jin: ST, LI, GB, SJ, LV, LU, SP, HT, K, P Where to treat: Images: JT 2, AZ 1, 3 First needles: JT 2 on ST, LI,…...
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Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and it can be very painful. It usually affects one joint at a time (often the big toe joint). There are times when symptoms get worse, known as flares, and…...
Inflammatory pain is best diagnosed with the Left Yang Wei pulse. If the pulse is convex and pounding or strong and the patient’s hands are warm or hot then the diagnosis of Hot Bi Pain is justified. If this particular…...
There are 2 main etiologies to treating Asthma with herbs: Excess and Deficiency Excess Excess Heat or Fire MPD: Right Yang Wei is convex and pounding Herbs: Ding Chuan Tang 60 Huang qin 10 Chuan bei mu 15 Gua luo…...
What muscle groups, Jing Jin and Anatomical Regions are associated with breathing?: Primary Muscle Groups Diaphragm – LU – Hand Tai Yin – Anterior Medial External and Internal Intercostals – Anterior Medial below the knee – LV – Foot Jue…...
Pulses Pounding Right Cun at any depth Activated immune system High Convex, Pounding Right Cun Sinus Heat Wiry, Pounding and High Right Cun Wind-Heat in the upper respiratory system Thin, Tight, and Strong Right Cun Wind-Cold attacking the upper respiratory…...