Career-Changing and Step-By-Step Courses
As a beginning member, you’re approximately nine months from being an advanced practitioner of Chinese Medicine. Through observation and testing, we’ve observed that’s the minimum time it takes to attain a firm command of Bob Doane’s acclaimed DNA Acupuncture® and MPD® methods.
To ensure exceptional clinical results during the learning phase, it’s important that you use these methods ONLY without incorporating other techniques (e.g., scholastic TCM). The time you invest in your studies at the Bob Doane School of Chinese Medicine can save you decades of clinic experimentation and ineffective patients results.
Make it a habit to immediately view the Treatment Strategy video with Bob Doane that we email to you each week. These messages contain clinically relevant information that will prepare you for a successful week of optimal results for your patients.
Stay Connected.
Connect with like-minded colleagues on our members’ forum and Facebook group. They’re filled with passionate health practitioners like yourself who practice the DNA Acupuncture® and MPD® methods worldwide, and are a rich resource for information, support and encouragement.
The Bob Doane Online School of Chinese Medicine.
Ready to Dramatically Improve Your Career?
Three Simple Steps
Choose Your Course Track
Our tracks are designed for you to choose your own route and ask questions as you go, on our forum. Look over our extensive treatment strategy library and open any topic that interests you (e.g., DNA Acupuncture® for shoulder pain, MPD® for gastrointestinal disorders). Courses in bold are also available for CEU certification.
Weekly Treatment Strategy Video
Each week our members receive a new case study where we take a deep dive into various key topics. Post your questions on the forum where Robert Doane answers them personally. Sign in to view all Treatment Strategy videos.
Check In Daily
Our most successful members spend 15-20 minutes a day on checking out different videos, articles, discussing on the forum. We highly recommend this habit for your success!

- Interactive Pain Studies
- Treatment of Pain in the Upper Body: How to make it all go away
- Treatment of Pain in the Lower Body: How to make it all go away
- DNA® Case Studies for the Upper Body
- DNA® Case Studies for the Lower Body
- DNA® For Internal Diseases Part 2
- DNA® for Pain (Germany with Translator)
- DNA® & Herbal Formulas for Internal Disorders 1
- DNA® & Herbal Formulas for Internal Disorders 2
- Pulses, Herbs and Acupuncture for Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress
- Easy DNA® for Pain in the Upper and Lower Body with Case Studies
- Top 10 Disorders at the Doane Clinic
- DNA® Treatment Strategies for Everyday Pains

Advanced DNA®
- New & Improved for Pain
- Advanced DNA® for Pain (Spain with Translator)
- Theory of Advanced DNA® for Pain with Case Studies
- Advanced DNA® for Pain with Case Studies
- Advanced DNA® for Internal Disorders

- Streamlined Herbal Prescriptions
- MPD® and Herbs: Internal Medicine with Case Studies
- MPD®, Herbs and Acupuncture for Systemic Diseases (Germany with Translator)
- Easy Approach to Pulses and Herbs
- MPD® and Related Herbal Prescriptions
- Most Treated Internal Conditions at the Doane Clinic
- Case Studies for MPD® and Herbs (Germany with Translator)
- Beginner’s Guide to Efficient Pulse Taking
- Pulses, Herbs and Acupuncture for Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress
- Top 10 Disorders at the Doane Clinic: Distal Needling Acupuncture & Herbal Formulas
- Case Studies for MPD® and Herbal Prescriptions
- Efficient MPD® and Associated Herbal Prescriptions
- Efficient MPD® and Associated Herbal Prescriptions (Spain with Translator)
- MPD® and Herbal Prescriptions for Cardiovascular Disorders
- Top 10 Disorders at the Doane Clinic: DNA, MPD® and Herbal Prescriptions (Spain with Translator)
- Treating the Emperor: Chinese Medicine for Cardiovascular Disorders
- Secrets of the Left Pulse: MPD & Herbs for Disorders of the Left Cun, Guan & Chi

Science of Acupuncture
- Bio-Physiological Explanation of Acupuncture (Short)
- Bio-Physiological Explanation of Acupuncture (Comprehensive)

Meditation and Spirituality
- Spirituality and TCM
- Deep Rest Meditation and Awakening
- A Deeper Look at Spirituality and Meditation
- Thoughts on Spirituality and Deep Rest Meditation Technique

Clinic Management
- An Integrative Approach to Building a Strong & Successful Clinic
- Clinic Management: How to Build a Successful Clinic