Amplitude is basically the pulse shape, in other words, how high up and down your fingers go Strength represents the force of the pulse against your finger-pad Do not confuse the two. There can be a weak pulse with a…...
Short pulses (compressed pulses) will present in the pulse positions indicating growths/masses (cysts/tumors), usually left guan, left chi or left proximal pulses Herbal strategy cysts: If theses pulses are extremely short/ tightly compressed, then use Cold-breakers (40): Wang Bu Lu…...
Mostly a cardiovascular problem Most edema pxs will have (suclinical) congestive heart issues Blocked left cun (deep and mushy) Fluid build up in chest and legs, often venous insufficiency (varicose veins) Herbal strategy: vasodialate large arteries of legs shrink the…...
The Secret Of Using Blood-Movers If the bloodmovers are not bringing the pulse up, then the used bloodmovers are not strong enough or the dose is not hight enough Bloodmovers are the only way to bring deep (blocked and pounding)…...
Doane Online Education · Deep pulses, Psychological Disorders, Diet, Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD… Membership Required You must be a member to access this content.View Membership LevelsAlready a member? Log in here...
Meditation – Daily Practice Meditation = quieting the mind. “A quiet mind is better than an agitated mind.” Buddhist methods want you to watch the mind. But the question is, “Who is the watcher?” One part of the mind cannot…...
DNA – Treating shingles and postherpetic neuralgia A way to differentiate between a shingles problem and something that is coming from the rib cartilage or muscular is by asking if the pain is elicited by just touching the skin (in…...
MPD – Thin vs. Wiry Pulses The difference between thin (small) pulses and wiry pulses is that wiry pulses are excess pulses, so they are not weak (they push back). Look at other pulses, if they are strong, then you…...
Prostate Enlargement and Bladder Flaccidity As the prostate enlarges, the ureter gets squished and the bladder retains a larger amount of urine Shrink the prostate: Prostate pills by Golden Flower (PSA elevation can be brought down) Bladder problems can be…...