Feeling the cheeks/nose are cold, but pulse is pounding: exterior wind-cold is still there, even it is not reflected in the pulse – need to add Ge Gen Tang or Gui Zhi Tang 20g to formula, to address external wind-cold;…...
Right cun (starting or progressed, how bad the upper respiratory tract/sinuses is affected), right styloid pulse (throat) and right yang wei (lung) pulses are to be used for the diagnosis of where the main cold symptoms will be Early stage:…...
Right Chi: Deep and pounding UTI: Ba Zheng San 80% (with Da Huang), Herbal ABX or Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin 20% Strong and pounding pulses – Excess Fire/Heat Conditions (Systemic inflammation): use Ba Zheng San 20% Right chi weak…...
Strengthen the heart (ejection fraction): e.g. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan, Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang Spleen Tonic: Si Jun Zi Tang instead of Ren Shen or Bai Zhu on it’s own “I don’t often use Huang Qi…” Weak heart:…...
The more the degree of scattereness, the higher the degree of blockage (usually the term “dead fish pulse” refers to the most severe type of scattered pulse, where there is no/ almost no pulse palpable Dan Shen, Gua Lou Xie…...
Scattered left cun: First visit: Mao Dong Qing 20%, Circulation SJ 20%, Dan Shen 30%, Guo Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang 30% Next visit: Added He Huan Pi 10% (because anxiety was predominant) Next visit: Added San Qi 10%,…...
Adrenal approach (Kidney approach): Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, Ba Wei Di Huang Tang – if hands are cold. Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan, Sheng Mai San – if hands are hot. Liver approach: Liver…...
Weak heart: Gui Pi Tang 50% and Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 50%. If agitated: Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang or Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang. If anxious: He Huang Pi, Bai Zi Ren, Suan Zao Ren,…...
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