Best Acupuncture Points for Treating Stress
Other than chronic pain, the most common complaint that a Chinese practitioner will treat in clinic stress. In our modern culture people are very agitated, they spend a lot of time at work, and with the increase of mobile technology everyone is over stimulated with information and screens.
Stress And These Two Organs
What we have discovered through Medical Pulse Diagnosis® (MPD®), that the problem usually resides in two organs: the heart and the liver. Most people who are very stressed have a vascular problem. They are so tense that their coronary arteries, which are made of smooth muscle, are very tight and constricted. This tightness in the coronary vascular system impedes the flow of blood into the heart wall. Over time the heart pump becomes weak and anemic and its pumping action is impaired. The result is systemic blood flow problems, fatigue and agitation.
What Do You Need to Know About Treating Stress
In these cases we have to know how to strengthen the heart and vasodilator— the major arteries of the body.
In addition, we have to be able to spot the liver’s involvement in the syndrome and know how to treat that organ as well. Your stressed patients invariably have either inflamed Livers or Fatty Livers. In either case Chinese medicine, applied properly, can turn around most Liver issues.
Give it a try yourself
We see success with this method all the time at the Acupuncture and Wellness Center, the largest privately owned Chinese medical practice in the United States. Through the Doane Online Education membership , we can show you this method, helping you to support patients in easing stress.