Reclaiming Relief: Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Low Back Pain
The standard method of acupuncture, as practiced in China and ubiquitously taught in our Chinese Medical Colleges worldwide, is unfortunately not very effective at treating back pain — or any other kind of pain, for that matter.
The result of this ‘poke and pray’ method is anecdotally about 50 percent effective at best, the outcome being unhappy patients and practitioners and unsuccessful clinics.
Treating patients for low back pain with Distal Needling Acupuncture
The good news is there are very impactful ways of using acupuncture to treat the all too common issue of lower back pain. The DNA™ (Distal Needling Acupuncture) method is by far one of the best acupuncture methods for treating pain.
DNA™ has been used successfully in hundreds of thousands of patient treatments in over 30 countries where Chinese Medicine is practiced. Success rates for treating pain with this approach are in excess of 80 percent based on our research and communication with patients.
What to consider as a practitioner for lower back pain
An important question is, what is the source of the pain? People who are stuck in chronic pain cycles are usually suffering from what is called neuropathic pain. In other words, the sensory nerves are swollen, usually traumatized, and firing away at will without the body or brain being capable of rectifying the problem. Even though there is nothing impinging on their pain nerves themselves, the patient is still subject to excruciating and consent pain.
How to treat neuropathic pain
The most effective way to treat neuropathic pain is to treat the cause of the problem, which is in the brain itself. If the brain was working properly, the body would release its own painkillers, called enkephalins, and the pain would have never become chronic in the first place. What DNA™ does is force the midbrain to release the body’s own painkillers, and the method actually teaches the brain how to keep it that way. We believe and our students see that DNA™, done properly, is far more effective at treating chronic back pain than what is currently taught in Chinese Medical colleges.
Give it a try yourself
We see success with this method all the time at the Acupuncture and Wellness Center, the largest privately owned Chinese medical practice in the United States. Through the Doane Online Education membership , we can show you this method, helping you to support patients in finding real relief from lower back pain and other issues of chronic pain. Your much-relieved patients will be grateful for your help finding freedom from these troubling and often limiting discomforts.