How to Support Your Patients with Infertility Using Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
You may be surprised to hear that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there’s no such thing as infertility. The body of a hopeful parent-to-be is either in balance or out of balance, or in some way under-functioning.
Blood flow
So our approach is to figure out what’s imbalanced or under-functioning and to address it. In most cases, the patient experiencing challenges conceiving has very poor blood flow through the female reproductive area. It’s like a low-level endometriosis and it is usually combined with some degree of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This condition can make it very difficult for some to become pregnant. For male patients, we look at low sperm count or motility issues.
In the women’s case, the most important thing is to improve the overall circulation of blood through the female reproductive area. The result is a successful pregnancy with very little chance of miscarriage. Through Doane Online Education, we will show you how to diagnose what the specific problem is with each of your infertility cases. And of course, we will show you the best methods for rectifying the problem. With these methods, you should find that your success rate for treating infertility will rise dramatically and your happy patients will deeply appreciate your part in their fertility journey.
Trying to Conceive (TCC) and Acupuncture
For the many who are part of the TCC (Trying to Conceive) population, the assistance of a knowledgeable acupuncturist can be a key aspect on their path to conceiving and can bring enormous joy back into an experience that should be one of the most joyful in a person’s or couple’s life.
We have treated this issue literally thousands of times at the Acupuncture and Wellness Center, the largest privately owned Chinese medical practice in the United States. Through the Doane Online Education membership, we can show you how to support patients with fertility along with many other aspects of wellbeing. Your newly expecting patients will be so grateful for your help in creating the miracle of life!
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Hi Bob…
Sleep Apnoea. How do we address this? DO we go after the left cun, as you would in an insomnia case, or do we go after the right cun in order to improve airflow and circulation (which is what the machines try to do), by de-swelling the swollen membranes?
I find with these patients that even when fixing the left cun, their sleep doesnt necessarily improve as their machine makes the uncomfortable, wakes them during the night, then they unable to go back to sleep. These are the types of people who if they fall asleep on the couch they can start choking as either tongue rolls to the back of the throat, or airways close up and the gasp themselves awake.
It seems like the only way they will get better sleep is if they are able to stop using the machine, as it’s he machine “waking” them. Is it possible to get these types of people off the machines? And if so, how should we go about it? Thank you
Hi Rodney, please ask Bob questions on the discussion forum here: