An Effective Acupuncture Treatment for Headaches
In Chinese medicine, headaches were mostly related to high blood pressure but because of our current times and the ubiquitous use of hypertensive medications — this etiology is uncommon.
Headaches are mostly associated with neck and upper back problems. So, if your patients have chronic headaches or migraines, it usually is chronic neck and upper back pain.
Treating the Neck and Upper Back
The best way clinically to treat chronic headaches is to target the neck and upper back with acupuncture. This doesn’t mean sticking a bunch of needles in the patient’s neck but to use DNA (Distal Needling Acupuncture) to quickly eliminate the problem.
The Body’s Own Opioids
If the midbrain was operating properly with these patients, the body would be releasing its own painkillers. These natural painkillers are called enkephalins.
Enkephalins are the body’s own opioids, and when they are released within the brain, all along the spinal cord and along the capillary beds where you actually have the headache, then the headache simply goes away. The problem is that this release is not taking place in patients who are suffering from chronic pain.
When the right treatment points are used, the neck pain will simply go away within seconds. If you use DNA, it raises the signal strength of the proprioceptive pathways into the brain thus encouraging the release of the body’s own potent pain relieving chemicals and the pain vanishes.
Please join one of our membership tiers at Doane Online Education for a thorough explanation of the physiology of pain and how acupuncture restores the body’s own opioids.