Robert Doane
My full pursuit over the last 24 years has been to help as many patients as possible with Chinese medicine. I opened the Acupuncture & Wellness Center in Poulsbo, Washington in 1998 and it has become one of the largest privately owned Chinese Medicine clinics in the United States, routinely seeing 80-100 patients per day, 5 days a week. Poulsbo is a small village of 11,000 and yet the clinic has 27,000 patients and performed over 400,000 treatment visits. Patients from around the world, including China and Japan, directly travel to Poulsbo for Chinese medical diagnosis and treatments.
Through extensive clinical experience, I have developed the DNA Acupuncture™ and MPD® (Medical Pulse Diagnosis®) methods utilized at the Acupuncture and Wellness Center. I have been lecturing on these methods for the last 15 years, in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Austria, Australia, Canada and throughout the United States. I have also presented these methods at multiple international Chinese medical forums, including the largest in the world, TCM Kongress in Rothenburg, Germany.
The DNA Acupuncture™and MPD® (Medical Pulse Diagnosis®) methods are now being taught to Chinese and Western doctors in over 36 countries through our teaching websites. My book available on Amazon entitled: “Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, Medical Pulse Diagnosis (MPD®)” is one the few books that have ever been written on how to correctly read and diagnose the radial pulse at the wrist. This book is a must read for anyone wanting to achieve mastery in Chinese Medicine.
I am also proud to say that the DNA Acupuncture™ is the primary acupuncture method being practiced at all Modern Acupuncture clinics. As a founding owner of this new franchise Modern Acupuncture is currently operating 42 clinics in 16 states all across the USA. Soon 500 more will follow!